Some of the Most Common Disorders of Pancreas

The pancreas is an organ in the body that plays a key role in food digestion and blood sugar control. For healthy digestion, it’s vital to take a healthy diet which can contribute to maintaining the health of pancreas. At the same time, a problem in the pancreas can disturb the other bodily functions. If the pancreas is not able to produce digestive enzymes then food would not be absorbed properly, which can often lead to diarrhoea or weight loss.

Pancreas specialist Ganga ram hospital

Here are some of the common disorders of the pancreas:  


Pancreatitis is a condition where the pancreas gets inflamed due to various reasons like a blockage in the pancreatic duct. As a result, the pancreatic juice starts accumulating in the pancreas, digesting the tissues in it. 

Therefore, people with symptoms are recommended to check with a pancreas specialist at a renowned medical facility as Sir Ganga Ram hospital in Delhi as soon as possible. This will help in preventing any complication further.

For a more precise understanding of the issue, here are the three types of pancreatitis which can lead to complications if left unchecked:

Acute Pancreatitis: It is a sudden attack causing inflammation of the pancreas. It may also cause acute upper abdominal pain. The pain may last for several days. The other symptoms of the disease may include vomiting, nausea, bloating, fever and diarrhoea. Some of the causes of acute pancreatitis may include gallstones, alcohol consumption, trauma, infections, hereditary conditions and some unknown causes.

Chronic Pancreatitis: It’s a progressive disorder that can lead to permanent damage to the pancreas. Some of the regular symptoms are upper abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Gradually patients may develop malnutrition and weight loss. The main genesis of chronic pancreatitis is alcohol consumption, cystic fibrosis and other hereditary disorders. 

Hereditary Pancreatitis: It is related to some inherited abnormalities of the intestine or pancreas. Hereditary pancreatitis is a progressive disorder with a high risk of permanent issues. Some of the major symptoms of hereditary pancreatitis are malnutrition, chronic pain in the upper abdomen, diarrhoea, or diabetes.


When the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin it can lead to diabetes. Some of the related symptoms are fatigue, frequent urination, excessive hunger or thirst. 

Pancreatic Cancer

Certain conditions with pancreas may often lead to the development of cancer. The symptoms may include pain in the upper abdomen, jaundice, and weight loss. Some of the risk factors in this ailment are alcohol and smoking.

It is recommended that a Pancreas specialist Ganga ram hospital is consulted as soon as appearance of symptoms to prevent further complications.

Some of the Most Common Disorders of Pancreas

What You Can Expect At a Gastroenterologist Appointment

The organs of your digestive system are vulnerable to multiple medical conditions. The professionals responsible for diagnosing, managing, and treating these conditions are called gastroenterologists or gastrointestinal specialists. You need to visit a good gastroenterologist in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, or some other urban hub if you are facing issues like chronic constipation, ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Gastroenterologists can diagnose and treat a wide range of ailments that affect your digestive tract, including your stomach, liver, pancreas, esophagus, and colon. 

Questions to Expect at a Gastroenterologist Appointment

To effectively diagnose your condition, a gastroenterologist would firstly ask you several detailed questions about the problems and symptoms you are facing. You must answer all these questions as accurately as possible to help the gastroenterologist effectively diagnosing your condition and prescribing you a proper treatment. 

The common questions a gastroenterologist may ask are:

  • What are the symptoms you are experiencing? (This may include bloating, bleeding, pain, heartburn, and so on.)
  • Is there some action that triggers the symptoms?
  • Do the symptoms get consistently worse or not?
  • Where exactly do you feel the symptoms?
  • What is the intensity of the pain you face?
  • How often do you experience the symptoms, and for how long?
  • Does this pain moves or change its location?
  • Do you have a family history of digestive issues and associated health problems?
  • Have you ever had any type of gastrointestinal illness or surgery before?
  • What over-the-counter medications did you take to get relief from the symptoms?

Physical Examination

Subsequent to gaining detailed insight on your symptoms and medical history, a gastroenterologist may conduct a brief physical exam. This can include:

  • Observation of the belly region: The gastroenterologist shall check the abdomen for signs that might indicate abnormalities of any kind.
  • Auscultation of bowel sounds: The gastroenterologist shall listen to the abdominal quadrant for bowel sounds or bruits, and make a note of their intensity, pitch, and duration.
  • Palpation of the four quadrants in the belly region: It is done to feel around for tenderness or masses.

Based on their observations, the gastroenterologist may prescribe you to go for tests like X-ray, CT scan, and blood or stool exam for an appropriate diagnosis. You can find contact details of the top gastroenterologist in Delhi, Noida, and nearby areas online, whom you can visit while facing any digestive problem.

What You Can Expect At a Gastroenterologist Appointment

Causes and Symptoms of a Damaged Liver

Located on the right side of the abdomen under your rib cage, the liver is an organ that is about the size of a football. The main function of the liver is to digest food and remove toxins from the body. Liver disease can be genetic. There can be many causes such as viruses, alcohol usage, and obesity which can potentially cause liver issues.

With time, liver diseases can develop into scarring, a life-threatening condition that can lead to liver failure. However, early treatment can heal the liver.


The symptoms and indicators of liver disease are not always noticeable. Following are the signs and symptoms of the hepatic disease:

  • Skin and eyes will appear yellowish (jaundice)
  • Pain and swelling in the abdomen
  • Swelling of the legs and toes
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine colour
  • Pale stool colour
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Prone to getting bruises easily


Following are the causes of a damaged liver:


Parasites and viruses can infect the liver and cause inflammation which disturbs the function of the liver. Viruses causing liver damage can spread through sick people by blood or semen or contaminated food or drink. Hepatitis viruses are the most frequent kinds of liver infection, including:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C 

Abnormal immune system

Diseases that attack certain sections of the body (autoimmune) from your immune system might influence the liver.

Other Causes:

  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Fat stored in the liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • Certain medicines prescribed or on the market
  • Some herbal compounds

Risk Factors

  • Factors that may enhance the risk of your liver disease are:
  • High consumption of alcohol
  • Obesity
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Piercings or tattoos
  • Injecting drugs using used syringes
  • Blood and bodily fluids exposure of other people
  • Unprotected sex
  • Exposure to certain medications or chemicals
  • Family history of liver disease

When to Consult a Doctor?

Talk to your doctor if you have persistent symptoms or signs. Don’t delay and seek medical assistance from an experienced Hepatologist Gangaram hospital other such medical institutions immediately so that the condition doesn’t get worse.

Causes and Symptoms of a Damaged Liver

3 Most Common Liver Diseases in the World

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is responsible for removing toxins from the blood and manages blood sugar levels simultaneously. Without the proper functioning of the liver, blood clotting can occur in any part of the body.

Hence, the health of this vital organ should be maintained at all times. Mentioned below are three of the most liver diseases across the world: 

1. Hepatitis

Inflammation in the liver due to a viral infection constitutes hepatitis. It is further divided into five types namely, hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Most of these variants cause infection through contaminated food and water in underdeveloped nations. Creating awareness among the people about sanitisation and hygiene is an effective way to curb its outbreak. Besides this, medical attention, practising safe sex, and avoiding intravenous drugs can help curb hepatitis in human beings. 

2. Fatty Liver Disease

The presence of fatty deposits in the liver leads to fatty liver disease. This buildup is said to form due to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as alcohol abuse and eating oily food items regularly. Another form of this disease is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which is still being researched about. 

3. Cirrhosis 

One of the most common health conditions in the world is cirrhosis. Scarring that occurs in the liver causes a lot of damage to the functioning of the organ. Its initial phase is known as liver fibrosis when the scarring is not widespread.

As this disease does not depict any symptoms, in the beginning, its diagnosis is generally made at an advanced stage. Consulting an experienced liver specialist in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital among other reputed medical institutions is recommended for its treatment. 

As some liver conditions are considered to be chronic, it can take years for the complete recovery of the patient. Avoiding unhealthy habits like alcohol consumption can help in keeping the liver conditions at bay. Along with this, proper hydration and eating a nutritious diet is suggested. 

3 Most Common Liver Diseases in the World

All You Need to Know About Autoimmune Pancreatitis

Autoimmune pancreatitis or AIP is a rare autoimmune medical condition, in which the immune system of the body attacks its healthy cells. This condition can be of two types:

  • Type 1: This is the most common variant of AIP that affects the pancreas, as well as other organs of the body, like the gallbladder and the liver.
  • Type 2: This condition only affects the pancreas, and is commonly associated with inflammatory bowel disease.

Any person diagnosed with type 1 or 2 AIP must consult the best pancreas specialist in Delhi for proper treatment. Type 1 AIP can be misdiagnosed as pancreatic cancer at times, as both of them have multiple overlapping signs and symptoms. Hence, it is crucial to get the diagnosis of the symptoms done through an expert as well, to make sure that there is no scope for mistakes. The common signs of autoimmune pancreatitis include:

  • Dark urine
  • Pale stools
  • Yellow skin and eyes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Weakness or extreme tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss for no known reason
  • Pain in the upper abdomen or middle part of the back

Type 1 of AIP is most common among males able the age of sixty, while its type 2 is often seen among both men and women above 40. People suffering from type 2 AIB additionally are more likely to have an inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis.

Complications Faced by Patients Suffering from Autoimmune Pancreatitis

Autoimmune pancreatitis can lead to a number of complications. Here are a few of them:

  • Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: Autoimmune pancreatitis can affect the ability of the pancreas to make more enzymes. The symptoms of such a condition include metabolic bone disease, weight loss, diarrhoea, metabolic bone disease as well as vitamin or mineral deficiency.
  • Diabetes: As pancreas is the organ responsible for producing insulin, any damage suffered by it may cause diabetes, due to which the patients may need treatment with oral medication or insulin.
  • Pancreatic calcifications or stones
  • Pancreatic and bile duct stricture

The best pancreas specialist in Delhi can create a perfect treatment plan for both type 1 and 2 AIP, as well as provide the patients with valuable guidance.

All You Need to Know About Autoimmune Pancreatitis

A Brief Overview of Oesophageal Cancer

The esophagus is a long hollow tube that runs from the back of the throat to the stomach. Its role is to aid the movement of food to the stomach to be digested. Cancer developing in the esophagus is known as esophageal cancer. It is the sixth most common form of cancer and it affects more males than females. The development of cancer can take place in any part of the long tube.

Causes/Risk Factors

Like other types of cancers, esophageal cancer does not have any specific cause. It does, however, have some risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of being affected by it. These include:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Obesity
  • Radiation treatment in the chest or upper abdomen region


Esophageal cancer typically shows no signs and symptoms in its early stage. Once cancer starts developing, following are the symptoms that it develops:

  • Weight loss without efforts
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Worsening of indigestion and heartburn
  • Chest pain, burning, or pressure

These symptoms may seem common because they are. If these symptoms are not connected with any underlying problem, they reduce on their own in a few days. In the case of cancer, these become chronic conditions. Which means that if these symptoms are not treated on their own, it’s concerning and a doctor should be consulted.


If a disorder does not have a specific cause, it does not have any specific prevention tips. To prevent the likelihood of being affected by it, the following steps can be taken:

  • Quit Smoking
  • Include more fruits and vegetables in the diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Drink alcohol in moderation or quit it completely, if possible

Not partaking in the aforementioned activities reduces the chances of getting affected by it. If the individual maintains a healthy weight and diet, they will prevent many more diseases as well.

To Sum it up

There is no specific cause for esophageal cancer. Once can decrease the risk factors by quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet and, maintaining a healthy weight. If any of the symptoms stay for longer than expected, consult a doctor. There are some best esophageal doctors in Delhi who can be visited.

A Brief Overview of Oesophageal Cancer

Pancreatitis: Lifestyle Modifications, Tips and Suggestions

Pancreatitis is a disease caused due to the inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach and next to the small intestine. It releases powerful digestive enzymes into the small intestine that help in digestion of food. An individual suffering from pancreatitis would have to make certain lifestyle modifications to manage the condition in the long term and prevent acute flare-ups. Here are some of the tips and suggestions that may help people diagnosed with pancreatitis:

Dietary Changes

One must limit intake of certain foods in order to manage pancreatitis. This is because the pancreas is unable produce enough enzymes needed digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Thus, the body may not be able to absorb a sufficient amount of nutrients which can lead to abdominal discomfort. Doctors suggest that one should consume a diet high in lean protein and low in fat.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

One may develop the risk of developing gallstones if he/she is overweight or obese which might also lead to pancreatitis. Thus, maintaining a healthy weight can prevent gallstones and other medical conditions as well.

Avoid Alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcohol is one of the most common causes of pancreatitis. Thus, an individual with chronic pancreatitis must abstain from consumption of alcohol. This is one of the best ways in which they can get relief from symptoms and even prevent acute episodes. One can also consider treatment for alcohol addiction and other substance abuse issues.

Quit Smoking

Doctors recommend that people with pancreatitis should avoid smoking as it may worsen the symptoms or delay recovery. Other than this, smoking can also increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

Getting proper treatment of pancreatitis is extremely important. Thus, one should only consult the top specialists. One can consider that houses best pancreas specialist Gangaram Hospital in Delhi and offer best treatment of pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal issues.

Pancreatitis: Lifestyle Modifications, Tips and Suggestions

Liver Cirrhosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Complications

The liver is a large organ that is situated on the right-hand side of the abdomen. It is a meaty organ which is reddish-brown in colour and is sectioned into the right lobe and left lobe. Some of the functions of the liver are:

  • Filtering the blood that comes from the digestive tract before circulating it in the body.
  • Removing harmful chemicals and breaking down drugs to be absorbed by the body.
  • Making proteins that help in blood clotting.
  • Making enzymes that help in digesting food.
  • Storing sugar and nutrients.

When the liver gets hurt, it attempts to repair itself and in the repairing process, scar tissues are formed. The excessive build-up of scar tissues hampers the functioning of the liver. When these scar tissues start replacing the healthy liver cells, it leads to the occurrence of cirrhosis. Cirrhosis progresses slowly and gradually and is the result of long-term and continuous damage to the liver.

Symptoms of cirrhosis

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • A significant and sudden decrease in appetite
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Red and patchy palms
  • White nails
  • Blood-vessels forming the shape of spider-web under the skin
  • Blood capillaries becoming prominent on the skin of the abdomen
  • Jaundice
  • Insomnia
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine
  • Dark and tarry or pale stool
  • Blood in vomiting
  • Swelling in legs and belly due to fluid build-up
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heartbeat

Patients experiencing these symptoms should not wait to see the best hepatologist in Delhi or anywhere else.              

Causes of cirrhosis

  • Excessive alcohol intake and alcohol addiction
  • Obesity, which makes people vulnerable to conditions that cause cirrhosis
  • Chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Diseases due to which the body is unable to process sugar
  • Hemochromatosis, the excessive iron build-up in the body
  • Wilson’s disease, accumulation of copper in the liver
  • Autoimmune diseases that cause the immune system to attack the liver

To diagnose cirrhosis, doctors start with performing a thorough physical examination. They ask the patients about alcohol consumption and check for the tenderness and enlargement of the liver. If the doctor suspects, they ask patients to get blood tests and ultrasound done.

Liver Cirrhosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Complications

Hepatitis B: Symptoms, Types, and Transmission

Hepatitis B is an infection that affects livers and is caused by the hepatitis B virus. If not treated in time, it can transform into liver cirrhosis. Delay in the treatment can also lead to liver failure, kidney diseases, inflammation of blood vessels, and even liver cancer. People at the risk of hepatitis B include healthcare workers, those who have chronic liver diseases, those suffering from kidney diseases, elderly with diabetes, and those travelling to countries with a high incidence of Hepatitis B.


Symptoms of hepatitis B

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Pain in the joints
  • Dark-coloured urine
  • Yellowing of the skin and the white area of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Decrease in appetite

Types of hepatitis B

Acute hepatitis B

Acute Hepatitis B is a short-term illness that does not last more than six months. People with acute hepatitis usually experience mild symptoms or sometimes, no symptoms at all. Their immune system clears the virus from the body within a few months. However, acute hepatitis B can turn into chronic, and then people need hospitalization. Often, adults are affected by acute hepatitis B.

Chronic Hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis B is a long-term illness and lasts for more than six months. For some people, it also becomes a life-long illness, and for the treatment, they need to consult with a hepatologist in Delhi or the city they live in. Hepatologists give them the required treatment and guide them on how to manage the illness. Mostly, young people, especially infants, are at a higher risk of developing chronic hepatitis B.

Transmission of hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is contagious but is not spread through saliva, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding. Ways hepatitis B virus is transmitted are:

  • By coming into contact with the blood of an infected person
  • By coming into contact with the body fluids of an infected person
    Use of infected needle
  • Intimate contact and intercourse with a person suffering from hepatitis B
  • If a pregnant woman is infected with hepatitis B, it highly likely that her baby will be as well

People experiencing the symptoms of hepatitis B should not wait to see the doctor. Doctors will ask them about their medical history and will prescribe some test for the confirmed diagnosis.

Hepatitis B: Symptoms, Types, and Transmission

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver infection, causing liver failure, scarring of the organ, and cancer. Caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), this liver issue can get serious if it is not treated on time. For some individuals, it can be a chronic problem and last longer. Chronic hepatitis B can increase the chances of cirrhosis and liver failure. Often, adults having hepatitis B get recovered, even if they had severe signs and symptoms. However, children have more risks of developing a chronic hepatitis B infection. The virus can spread in the following ways:

  • Sharing needles
  • Getting a tattoo with unsterilised and unsafe needles
  • Sharing personal items
  • Having unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Breastfeeding, in case the mother has hepatitis B

In addition, it can spread when an individual comes in contact with open sores, body fluids, and blood of someone suffering from the hepatitis B virus.

Symptoms of Hepatitis B

This liver infection is called a ‘silent infection’ as most individuals do not experience any signs and symptoms in the starting phase. So, they can unintentionally pass the HBV to others without realising it. These symptoms usually appear in three-four months after a person is infected. Getting a test is the only way to diagnose the condition accurately. Some of the common signs and symptoms of Hepatitis B may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Dark urine
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Joint pain
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes

Hepatitis B – Treatment

Those who have been exposed to this virus or feel any relevant signs and symptoms must see a hepatologist. A hepatologist may order some blood tests or nucleic acid tests to detect an individual’s potential exposure to the virus. He or she will give the patient a vaccine and a shot of immune globulin. This specific protein helps to boost the immunity and aids to fight off the infection. It is recommended for patients to consult an experienced best hepatologist in Delhi, Mumbai, or any other city to get advanced treatment.

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Hepatitis B