Refresher on the Types and Symptoms of Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a medical condition that causes the inflammation of the pancreas and typically occurs when the digestive enzymes are triggered prior to being released into the small intestine. In this situation, the pancreatic enzymes start attacking the pancreas itself.


Pancreatitis can be of two major types, acute and chronic.

  • Acute pancreatitis:  This medical condition causes a sudden but short-lived inflammation of the pancreas. While it might only cause just a mild discomfort at times, if left untreated, it can even become the source of life-threatening ailment. Most people suffering from acute pancreatitis can recover completely once they get the necessary treatment from the best pancreas specialist in Delhi or some other metro city.  If it’s a severe condition theen acute pancreatitis can cause serious tissue damage, bleeding, infection and cyst formation. It may even damage certain vital organs like the kidneys, the heart and the lungs.  Here are some of the major symptoms of acute pancreatitis :
  • Severe nausea and unmanageable vomiting
  • Long-lasting and high fever
  • A noticeable increase in the heart-rate
  • Pain in the upper abdominal region that spreads to the back.
  • This pain might be aggravated by the consumption of food items with high fat content
  • Swelling and tenderness in the abdomen
  • Chronic Pancreatitis: This medical condition is caused by long-term inflammation of the pancreatic gland. Typically, acute pancreatitis can trigger such a chronic condition. One of the major causes of acute pancreatitis can be consistent consumption of large amounts of alcohol. Heavy alcohol consumption can even cause damage to the pancreas without its symptoms being apparent for several years. However, people might even suddenly and unexpectedly develop the symptoms of severe an advanced age. Here are some of the major symptoms of chronic pancreatitis :
  • Diarrhea and nausea
  • Severe weight-loss caused by mal-absorption of food. This poor absorption is usually caused by a reduction in the amount of digestive enzymes released
  • Damage to the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas might cause diabetes
  • Consistent and long-lasting pain in the upper abdominal region

In case of any indication of Pancreatitis it is advisable that people consult a pancreas specialist in Delhi or any other metro city as speedy treatment and the availability of premier facilities are vital to help the patients recover and regain their health and wellbeing as they suffer from this medical condition.

Refresher on the Types and Symptoms of Pancreatitis