A Brief Overview of Oesophageal Cancer

The esophagus is a long hollow tube that runs from the back of the throat to the stomach. Its role is to aid the movement of food to the stomach to be digested. Cancer developing in the esophagus is known as esophageal cancer. It is the sixth most common form of cancer and it affects more males than females. The development of cancer can take place in any part of the long tube.

Causes/Risk Factors

Like other types of cancers, esophageal cancer does not have any specific cause. It does, however, have some risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of being affected by it. These include:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Obesity
  • Radiation treatment in the chest or upper abdomen region


Esophageal cancer typically shows no signs and symptoms in its early stage. Once cancer starts developing, following are the symptoms that it develops:

  • Weight loss without efforts
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Worsening of indigestion and heartburn
  • Chest pain, burning, or pressure

These symptoms may seem common because they are. If these symptoms are not connected with any underlying problem, they reduce on their own in a few days. In the case of cancer, these become chronic conditions. Which means that if these symptoms are not treated on their own, it’s concerning and a doctor should be consulted.


If a disorder does not have a specific cause, it does not have any specific prevention tips. To prevent the likelihood of being affected by it, the following steps can be taken:

  • Quit Smoking
  • Include more fruits and vegetables in the diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Drink alcohol in moderation or quit it completely, if possible

Not partaking in the aforementioned activities reduces the chances of getting affected by it. If the individual maintains a healthy weight and diet, they will prevent many more diseases as well.

To Sum it up

There is no specific cause for esophageal cancer. Once can decrease the risk factors by quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet and, maintaining a healthy weight. If any of the symptoms stay for longer than expected, consult a doctor. There are some best esophageal doctors in Delhi who can be visited.

A Brief Overview of Oesophageal Cancer