All You Need To Know About Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a severe medical condition that causes inflammation in the pancreas. This damage typically occurs when enzymes are triggered in the pancreas prior to being released into the small intestine. These enzymes start attacking the pancreas in this situation. Pancreatitis is an incredibly severe medical condition and hence, people suffering from it should visit the best pancreas specialist in the Gangaram hospital or some other renowned healthcare center.


There are two main types of pancreatitis acute and chronic pancreatitis. Here is a brief insight about them:

  • Acute pancreatitis: This medical condition causes a short lived but sudden inflammation of the pancreas. While at times it might only cause a mild discomfort to the patient, acute pancreatitis can be a source of life-threatening illness in certain cases. People suffering from this condition can completely recover after the necessary treatment. In severe cases, acute pancreatitis can lead to cyst formation, tissue damage, bleeding and infection. It may also cause damage to important organs of the body, including the lungs, the heart and the kidneys.
  • Chronic Pancreatitis: This ailment is caused due to certain long-term inflammation of the pancreatic gland. An episode of acute pancreatitis can often lead to such a chronic condition. Consuming large amounts of alcohol consistently is also one of the major factors that can lead to chronic pancreatitis. In addition to this, people might even unexpectedly develop the symptoms of severe pancreatitis at a relatively old age. Consistent and long-lasting pain in the upper abdominal region and severe weight-loss caused by mal-absorption of food are some of the biggest symptoms of this medical condition.’


There are several factors that can either contribute or come together to cause acute or chronic pancreatitis. Here are a few of those risk factors:

  • Gallstones: pieces of solid material forming in the gallbladder
  • Heavy and consistent use of alcohol
  • Autoimmune diseases and infections
  • Cystic fibrosis and high triglycerides
  • Risks arising out of certain medications
  • Inherited metabolic disorders of the pancreas

People suffering from pancreatitis should consult the best pancreas specialist in the Gangaram hospital or some other renowned medical center of the country. It is imperative to ensure that pancreatitis patients are taken to a good hospital having pancreas specialties as well as state-of-the-art facilities to treat and manage the condition so as to facilitate quick recovery from debilitating disease.

All You Need To Know About Pancreatitis

Two Major Functions of the Pancreas

The pancreas is a flattened long gland that is located in the abdomen of the human body. This organ is considered to be one of the most crucial components of the digestive system. The pancreas is known to have a major role to play in controlling the overall blood sugar level of the body. It helps in converting the food consumed by the body into the vital fuel that is needed by the cells.

Two Major Functions of the Pancreas

Here are the two major types of functions performed by the pancreas:

  • Exocrine Function: The pancreas is known to carry exocrine glands, which produce vital enzymes that facilitate the process of digestion. These enzymes include amylase for the digestion of carbohydrates, chymotrypsin and trypsin for digesting proteins, and also lipase for breaking down fats. All these pancreatic juices are released in a certain system as the food enters the stomach. This pancreatic duct is known to join the common bile duct so as to form the ampulla of Vater. This ampulla is known to be located at one of the most crucial regions of the small intestine, which often is referred to as the duodenum. Both pancreatic juices and bile are released into the duodenum and they help the body to digest various fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
  • Endocrine Function: Islet cells are known to release various types of crucial hormones directly into the bloodstream. They are parts of the endocrine elements of the pancreas. Glucagon and insulin are two of the major pancreatic hormones. While glucagon plays a major role in raising blood sugar level, insulin assists in lowering this level. Proper maintenance of the blood sugar level of the body is extremely important in ensuring the smooth functioning of its major organs, including the brain, liver, and kidneys.

Cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic pseudocyst, common bile duct stone, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, gall bladder cancer, and pancreatic tumors are some of the major ailments related to this organ.

People should try to consult the best pancreas specialist in Gangaram hospital of Delhi or any other renowned medical institution in case they face any problems related to the pancreas.

Two Major Functions of the Pancreas